Monday, 18 March 2013

Progress Ahoy!

Good Evening!

Just a post to diary where I am at at the moment. First up..... How are you all?   Please come by and feel free to tell me some of your experiences, I love listening / reading how everyone else is getting on.

So to the point I left off, at the last time post was, that I was hoping to finish setting up at least my accounting and stock accounts. Well, I can safely say they are all set up and up to date too, yep, go me! ( party streamers, trumpets and balloons bouncing round my head!). I am completely chuffed to bits that this is now complete. I'm feel a little more comfortable about my accounts as I can keep a track of them, and keep them up to date. There is not a multitude of pennies there, and obviously I haven't made any sales yet, but the little money I do put in, can help here and there. It also means that if I need to buy something, any capital can be monitored and then I can look at how to manage saving for certain items too. I have already set aside my website hosting fee for the year which is great news. I say this is great news as I haven't even started building the website yet! ( I think I may call it 'abi's roundabout fashion of completion!)

The other day, I could buy some core acrylic paints for my stock, which may not seem like a huge thing to most, but for me it was more than just buying paint, the notion behind it was, I officially took the first steps to getting closer to producing some artwork. It was quite smile inducing really, I officially wrote my mileage, times, and costs down, and updated those records, which also felt very promising and welcoming that I am actually doing this. I guess it makes me feel like I am now taking myself seriously, and in doing that, it may also mean that other people may take me seriously too. A lot of people normally give me that weird look  as if to say "hmmm, art and crafts..... not really a profession is it". So my main thought at that point is, well, do you have paintings on your walls? even if they are prints, someone has had to produce the original. ;0)

A lot of cultural stuff that we do, a lot of hobbies we consider to do, comes from that original persons creatively. In a world that is so focused on technology it is lovely to be able to see that creativity still thrives, whether it's art, crafts, writing, anything that truly makes you feel like you are 'you'.

So the progress I make, may only be baby steps here and there, but, I guess its one step further to getting a little bit of me back again. What things interests you? How did you find your progress into what you now may consider your job role? Please feel free to comment, happy to read further in to the lives of all things creative!

Thank you for reading.


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