Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Happy Arting Everyone!

Welcome to my page!

This is a brand new page, of which, as I go along, will add more about my journey into the world of my art bubble!

I am looking to go self employed, and hopefully in the not too distant future (with any luck!). I have a nearly 3.5 year old son, so he keeps me pretty busy at the moment, but I am trying to learn to manage my time better, and get a more positive me on the go.

I am not a negative person, more of a easy going, 'happy with her lot' plod along. The time is drawing closer to my son starting primary school, and I have always been a working person, up until a few years back. I still work now, because as any stay at home mother knows, it's a full time job in itself. "Keeping ship" as my Mum would say over the years that she has been a devoted home-maker. She has done us all proud, and there is not a day that goes by, now even more so that I am experiencing it for myself, that I don't fully appreciate what she has done for my brother and I.

There has always been that pearl of wisdom, a nugget of truthful advice, if you will, that my Mum has given me, and that is to make sure that I don't forget about me also. It's not a selfish thing, more of a means to an end for my personality. Above all, I am a Mum, but to try and get a little bit of me back, before it's too late, I am hopefully going to embark on a small time self employment for all things creative.

So I am in the process (a very long one it seems!) to trying to research what I need to know, and the basic information that will help me set up and eventually go self employed.

Please feel free to join me in any posts that I do, and hopefully soon, there will be a little bit of creativeness coming your way. If only to be pleasing on the eye, with no purchase necessary, then I have achieved half of what I have set out to do.

Happy Arting everyone!

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