Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A Change is as good as a Rest!

Good Afternoon Bloggers!

This is a fairly quick post. But thought I may as well add this to my blog.

When I started to think about a name to trade as, for when I do go self employed, I originally came up with Abz Artz. I liked this because in my creative mind I thought the zed's on the end of each word were quite jazzy and could be worked with for creating and combining my logo. A year down the line, and my son has still kept me busy, but I am fully determined to get this up and running, I wont give up on it for sure.

As time has gone on I felt more and more unsure that the name I had picked (even though I have set up, email accounts and twitter and facebook, and even had some business cards made up). I thought to myself, it would seem such much more of an effort to change it all now, but I did prefer this other name.

I had bounced the idea of a couple of close people who I could trust and they were unanimous in their opinions. Whilst they all loved Abz Artz, the new name, just sort of, gelled better with what I wanted to be. I then thought, yes it may well be an effort to change all that I had set up before, but I thought if I am not prepared to do it, then I am surely not prepared to set up my business (which is obviously much more work than setting up a few email address'!)

So with that in mind, and a lot of thinking and pondering (and even pretend answering the phone using the name to see what it sounds like! Yep I did that!!) I decided it was time to change the name. My slogan (if you will) was creatively random arts and crafts etc; Well this still can be my slogan, but I have now decided that Creatively Random definitely suits what I want to do, and of course who I am, far better than Abz Artz. I am still fond of Abz Artz for sure, but I don't want to come across so bold as if to say "Abz Artz, here I am and here is my work". I am not a hugely confident person, and don't really like the focus to be on me a lot of the time. So this is where the name change came about!!

I hope you all feel this was a good change to make, and I have to say I positively love it. It has given me that new ompf that I needed, to set aside some time (even if only small moments here and there between being a mum and home-maker) and try and give myself that renewed confidence that I should definitely go ahead with giving it a shot.

Yep, as per usual, miss chatterbox has made a short post into a long one! Regardless of this, I hope you have enjoyed my post.

Hope you all have a fabby day.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog post Abz! For anyone who is thinking of starting up in business, they do have to consider what name to trade under. What you're saying here is what so many of us think. Thank you for sharing your train of thought and how you have arrived at what is best for trade.

    This is a really helpful blog post.

    I understand the confidence thing, but I do strongly believe that confidence will come hand in hand with each sale or positive comment you that you receive. Or even each positive step your business makes (in and around a family is tough going). Mums everywhere will understand that one, for sure!

    Your art work has already had some excellent feedback from people who have seen it. I second those sentiments from your audience and wish you every success. Let's hop (family time aside) that we get to see more of your talent displayed here on your blog and through other mediums.
